Vote David Olds


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Campaign Endorsement

October 3, 2023/

July 28, 2023 David Olds Campaign to Elect House Representative District 24 Re: Campaign Endorsement Dear David Olds The Communications…

Mississippi School System

August 7, 2023/

David Olds Special Election Interview Q & A. 1. What is your experience with K-12 public schools, personally and/or with…

The Olds Platform

March 13, 2023/

THIS I BELIEVE The David Olds’ Political Platform ยท Expansion of Medicaid – The infant mortality rate in Mississippi is…

Band-Aid and Fixes

March 13, 2023/

This is a band-aid. This band-aid represents how the Governor and Republican lawmakers in Jackson solve issues in our state.…

"Expect the best!"