Vote David Olds

It’s the people, stupid

To quote James Carville – “it’s the economy, stupid.”  I say it’s the people, stupid.  The people of MS are suffering because of the Republicans inaction, ignorance, and arrogance. We must identify the needs and react to those needs. We must INVEST in Mississippi.

a.)    MS ranks 50th in Health Care. The Infant Mortality rate is that of third world countries. We must vote to Extend Postpartum Medicaid coverage for new moms and infants from 2 months to 12 months.

b.)    Accept Federal Funds to Expand Medicaid. Republican voters support the expansion. 80% of the MS Voters support the expansion. It’s been proven that it will save the state of MS money. And deliver the much-needed health care. MS ranks 6th in the nation for uninsured people.

c.)     There are 70 rural hospitals – 38 of those hospitals are at risk of closing and of those 24 could possibly close tomorrow. These closures will affect all areas in Mississippi.

d.)    Public Education – The Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP) is a formula to determine funding each public school should receive from the state to meet academic standards established by the State Board of Education. This school year MAEP Funding is $279 million short of what state laws our students and teachers need to be successful. DeSoto County was shorted $21,238.956 on its 2023 recommended requirement. MS is ranked #43 in education

Gov. Reeves recently bragged that the state had $209 billion in the bank. That money needs to be invested back into the state under the leadership of Brandon Presley. I’m not advocating handouts but investing in the future of Mississippi. Mississippians are fed up with Republican corruption and their inability to function for the people.

Democrats, Independents and Republicans must come together and focus on the needs of the people.