FACT: DeSoto County Schools were not fully funded in 2023. We were shorted over $21m. We haven’t been fully funded since 2007. SOURCE: MAEP AND THE PARENTS CAMPAIGN.
I will fight to fully fund our DeSoto County Schools based on the MS Constitution, State Board of Education and the Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP)
I will fight to save the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS)
I will fight for a Vocational Diploma Route for students w low proficiency and special needs students.
Endorsed by the Mississippi Association of Educators
“Your candidacy has been endorsed due to your demonstrated support for our students, educators, and public schools. Welcome to TEAM MAE! We are delighted to have you as a team member” Erica Jones, President, Mississippi Association of Educators.
Endorsed by the Mississippi AFL-CIO
“The Mississippi AFL-CIO and our affiliated unions believe in standing with our members, community, and political leaders who help working families. Our dedication to Mississippi will not waver when it comes to laws that protect workers and their families. We firmly believe David Olds WILL help us create a better future for our community.” Michael Hodges, AFL-CIO State Campaign Director.
I receive these honors with pride and a tremendous sense of responsibility. I will honor the trust that the MAE and the Mississippi AFL-CIO members have placed upon me.